Ben Lomond Junior Races this weekend!
With 6 weekends of practice under their belts, Ben Lomond’s Junior competitors of all ages are invited to take part in the annual Ben Lomond Junior Races. See the attached flyer for details.
With 6 weekends of practice under their belts, Ben Lomond’s Junior competitors of all ages are invited to take part in the annual Ben Lomond Junior Races. See the attached flyer for details.
Its currently +0.8 degrees and snowing lightly. There are moderate to strong NNW winds with light intermittent cloud which is expected to clear. Lifts operating will be Bass, Village, Summit and Fannies is on standby as winds allow. ROAD CONDITIONS – Snow on Road to the Village. ALL vehicles proceeding Read more…
A lovely start to the day. Blue Skies and sunny with moderate winds and a great cover everywhere. Its currently +1.0 degrees. Lifts operating will be Bass, Village, Summit and Fannies. Bills is on standby for the afternoon. ROAD CONDITIONS –IOpen and Clear to the Village. ALL vehicles proceeding past Read more…
Latest Pic thanks to the Summit Alpine Enterprises Cam. There is a moderate wind blowing which will hopefully clear the cloud. Temperatures are mild but wind proof clothing is advised. The snow is currently heavy and sticky due to the temperatures, however snow cover remains good but with some rocks Read more…
Currently +2.6 degrees, moderate NNW winds with high cloud and good visibility. The Snow cover is extensive on all slopes and will soften throughout the day. Lifts operating will be Bass, Village, Summit and Fannies. Bills is on standby for the afternoon. ROAD CONDITIONS –IOpen and Clear to the Village. Read more…
Blizzard conditions overnight have resulted in an over 10cm additional cover across the slopes with big drifts. Extreme winds are slowly easing and its -2.5 with light cloud. With wind strengths considered Bass and Village lifts will be operating first up with remaining lifts on standby pending winds moderating. An Read more…
Excellent snow cover of snow with occasional exposed hazards that do not impede skiing. Currently just above 1 degree on the live weather station the surface is dry but softening in the day. Moderate but gusty NNW winds, light low cloud and great snow everywhere. Bass, Summit and Fannies as Read more…
Excellent snow cover of snow with occasional exposed hazards that do not impede skiing. Currently just below 0 on the live weather station the surface is dry and ready for more great skiing and boarding. Light south westerly winds, sunny and complete blue skies today. Bass, Summit and Fannies with Read more…
Following yesterdays snowmageddon, there is a omplete cover of snow with occasional exposed hazards that do not impede skiing. With close to 30cm of fresh snow and -3.5 on the live weather station the surface is dry and ready for more fresh turns this morning. Clear skies with high cloud Read more…
This morning there are strong and gusty North Westerly Winds and a good cover of snow fresh soft snow. Its continuing to fall this morning. Currently 0 degrees on the live weather station and fair visibility amongst thin low cloud. Lifts today will be Bass, Village, Summit and Fannies with Read more…