REPORT: Above 0 temperatures and thawing snow continued through the day yesterday. A picture tells a thousand words. Lifts will be on hold waiting further snowfalls. Check the Snowsports Facebook page for more information relating to what’s on offer today and thanks for their morning shot of the Toboggan and Ski Lesson area.

FORECAST: Partly Cloudy with moderate westerly winds. A maximum of +4.0 forecast.

ROAD CONDITIONS:  Clear. All vehicles must carry chains

SHUTTLE – SHUTTLE – Ben Lomond Snow Sports are operating a bus service from the new park self registration box. Just call them to confirm operations on 6390 6185 and they can pick you up from the bus stop (from 9am) and they will be down to collect you; most mobile phones work from that area. Check the Facebook Page for updates


Check out the Ben Lomond Alpine Hotels new Facebook page: !! –

Categories: BLCsnowWinter