Greetings snow fans. With some serious cold temperatures throughout this week be assured that the grown is well and truly frozen up on the Ben. And with the Snow season ramping up across the mainland resorts this weekend keep in mind that the natural snow falls can’t be far away! The Ben Lomond Committee met last night and is in the final stages of planning their season calendar of events so stay posted for this.

Terrain Park Working Bee 20 and 21 June

Interested parties are encouraged to express their interest in helping our with getting the Terrain park back into working order for the snow season. A working bee is scheduled for the weekend of 20 and 21 June to give some attention to the Mountain terrain park equipment. Please email or message us on facebook to express your interest in helping out. Your contact Details will be passed onto the coordinator for the day. Please provide your availability over the weekend, an email and phone contact.

Fire Pumps Training 20 June from 10:30am

Mountain Lodge Members are invited to undertake a fire pump training refresher between 10:30am and Noon on 20 June. Pumps will undergo regular pre season maintenance and testing ready for the snow season. Meet outside Tasmanian Rovers Ski Club at 10:30hrs   Keep updated on developments on the mountain by keeping a close eye on our website and Facebook page throughout the season.


Thanks to the Northern Tasmania Alpine Club for today’s photo –

Categories: BLCsnowWinter