[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][heading]Mid July Hits and the snow is sticking! Thanks Mother Nature[/heading][vc_column_text]Overnight and through today the snow has been falling across Ben Lomond. Tonight Temperatures have dropped down to below -1.5 and conditions are ripe for some south easterly snow overnight. Ben Haslam and his family crew have been on the mountain the last two days and keeping social media users on top of developments.

The newly named Ben Lomond Alpine Hotel is open for business so get in and pay the a visit! Snowsports will be open in the morning for gear hire and lessons and crews will be working on de icing the lifts in preparation for a hopeful start to the lifts turning.

The last 36 hrs have shown a remarkable turnaround after a couple of weeks of warmer weather and last weeks dusting of snow for the Fun Day. Lets hope that Mother Nature gives Tassie a shot at a legendary Snow season now the mainland have got large dumps off the last 2 systems which have been through.

Here are some shots from Todays falls from the village.

See you all on the slopes for some fun soon,

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Categories: BLCsnowWinter