Following a call to arms over the past 3 weeks, lodge members got together on 20 June to run through the fire system to ensure their readiness in the event of an emergency on the mountain.

With emergency services well over an hour away, mountain residents are very self reliant on being able to assist in the event in an emergency.

BLC Representative from Tas Rovers Ski Club Barrie McIndoe took his fellow BLC counterparts through the fire preparedness in an effort to upskill more of the mountain residents for the event of a fire.

Historically there have been two lodges burn down since the establishment of the village on Ben Lomond so many efforts have been made to assist in protecting surrounding buildings in the event of a fire and doing what is possible to save lodge remains.

The BLC, in the spirit of good risk management coordinated in March the access to a joint chimney sweep to clean out and maintain flu’s on the mountain.

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Categories: BLCWinter