
  • Best snow in over a decade
  • Snow up to 1 metre deep but consistently half a metre thick
  • 2-3 lifts to operate throughout mid week assessed with demand
  • Crews working throughout the week to have all slopes open by the weekend
  • All systems go at the Ben Lomond Alpine Hotel, drop in when you’re up for a great feed
  • Chains are a mandatory requirement for cars travelling above the snowline

SYNOPSIS: Freezing conditions on the mountain and continued snowfalls across the Ben Lomond plateau have resulted in what can be described as by far the best cover of snow in over a decade. Mountain operators are describing the current cover as very good and extensive. Throughout today and into tonight to as low as 100 metres above sea level, snow continues to coat the Tasmanian Highlands. Tomorrow snow is forecast as far away from Ben Lomond as west to Evandale and Cressy, south to Campbell Town and east to Fingal.

SNOW CONDITIONS: There is well over half a metre of snow and up to a metre in some places on the mountain. Ben Lomond Snow Sports have described having to walk up a hill of snow to get out of the building and that snow is encroaching the top of some railings on the board walk up from the Ben Lomond Alpine Hotel and Public Shelter.

LIFT UPDATE: Heading into the week Alpine Enterprises are planning, weather dependent to run 2 to 3 lifts through the week. This will be reassessed based on demand. Throughout the weekend lift crews have been busy de-icing lifts trying to keep ahead of the snow that keeps on falling.  Bills T Bar has been de-iced twice this weekend and due to testing conditions still hasn’t been able to have spring boxes hung on it. Lift crews are hoping to get this done tomorrow and work on de-icing Fannies and Giblin. As more lifts are prepared for operation this will be communicated on ski.com.au and in news posts such as this one.

CROWDS: The Ben Lomond Committee (BLC) would like to thank the general public for their enthusiasm and support over the weekend. The weekend has been very challenging for all businesses on the mountain who have been inundated with customers streaming in the doors and onto the slopes. Those working outside need a special mention as the extreme blizzard and storm force wind conditions this weekend have been extensively challenging to work in. Lift operators would like to especially thank skiers and snowboarders for their patience whilst de-icing occurred and mechanical troubles were fixed each morning and across the weekend.

ROAD CONDITIONS: Ben Lomond Road is extensively covered in snow and ice and will again need to be graded tomorrow after the snowfalls overnight. Snow is built up on the sides of the road which makes passing cars challenging and means that rules on Jacobs ladder with regard to giving way to each other especially important.

CHAINS: CHAINS WILL be required to be fitted to all vehicles tomorrow, the BLC and Parks and Wildlife Services (PWS) cannot stress enough that it is imperative all drivers follow the directions of the PWS staff. If you are driving a car you not only need to have chains, you need to know how to fit them and how to drive your car whist they are on. For more information on chains visit the snowsafe website

SAFETY REMINDER: After a number of vehicles were found carrying chains that were not the right size for their vehicle, the BLC cannot stress enough the importance of understanding and respecting the conditions in alpine environments. People choosing to ignore the safety precautions not only put themselves, but their passengers and others at risk.

A number of drivers were assisted throughout the day after getting into difficulty above the snowline. In addition to having the right equipment, please consider your experience and skills when deciding to venture into the alpine environment. Consider having someone in your party with experience driving on snow and ice bound roads. If you don’t have the confidence please consider using the transport services available from the snow line.

TRANSPORT: Two transport buses, are running throughout the day collecting snow goers from the bottom car park at the Parks and Wildlife Service entry station and deliver you to the car park at the base of the boardwalk. If you are catching the bus you do not need to hire chains! Call 03 6390 6185 (TELSTRA SIGNAL) for a pickup or to arrange a booking. Prices are $15 per person or $50 for a family of 4 return.

Media are encouraged to contact Adrian Beswick, Media and Promotions coordinator on 0438 253 111 to arrange a visit to the mountain and organise interviews with Operators and BLC Representatives.[/vc_column_text][vc_gallery type=”flexslider_style” interval=”3″ images=”987,988,989,990,991,992,993,994,995,996,997,998,999,1000,1001,1002,1003,984,983,982,981,977,978,979,959″ layout=”3″ gallery_style=”1″ onclick=”link_image” custom_links_target=”_self”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Categories: BLCsnowWinter