Snow followers,

This week is the first sign of some serious snow being forecast for the winter season for Ben Lomond. 3-6 mm rain is forecast for Launceston tomorrow and with the freezing level set to drop to 1300 metres that could mean 3-6cm snow. on the frosty base expected tomorrow morning this could translate directly into the start of a good base to catch the remainder of the snow forecast Saturday down to 700 metres through the weekend to Monday.

Keep your eyes on the BOM 7 day Ben Lomond Forecast for more information regarding the changing predictions. and the snow report page for the amount falling!

The attached image is from 2014 following snow to low levels on the mountain. Will your drive to Ben Lomond this weekend look like this?

This weekend is timely for the snow’s arrival as the Ben Lomond Alpine Hotel is hosting the season opener community function on Saturday evening. From about 4:30 get along to the pub and share a drink with some free nibbles to welcome the season in and do a dance to keep the snow falling!

Don’t forget to be prepared, all vehicles must carry chains and check the website for the latest information.

Categories: BLCsnowWinter