[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The forecast for Ben Lomond is looking sensational over the next 7 days for snowfalls. In short BOM are forecasting the following:

Day                Freeze Level    Forecast

Wednesday –  1300               Snow Shower or two

Thursday –     1000              Snow Increasing

Friday –            700              Snow Showers

Saturday   –      400              Snow shower or two

Sunday                                 Snow shower or two

Monday                                Snow showers easing


Mountain watch are forecasting 75 cm of fresh snow with no rain forecast over the next 7 days.

Book your time on the mountain now by contacting the Ben Lomond Alpine Hotel or joining one of our member clubs! MORE INFORMATION

Could Ben Lomond look as good as these pictures from 2013 or even 2005?


Let it snow!


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Categories: BLCsnowWinter