[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][heading]Tassie! what happened on the weekend?[/heading][vc_column_text]So this weekend some of you may  be asking yourselves, what happened to the Antarctic Vortex in Tasmania? Why did it feel like a mild autumn day all weekend? Why are the webcams on our highlands showing zippo to nothing in the way of snow on the ground? Why did the mainland take all our snow!

What Antarctic Voretex?

As you would appreciate there are a lot of snow fans who haven’t been too impressed with the Antarctic Vortex’s change of plans for Tasmania this weekend. With the BOM forecasting 7 straight days of snow on Ben Lomond; mainland resorts lining up to get up to 1 metre of snow and the biggest cold front in 20 years set to hit southern states everything looked great. It was going to be a season opener for sure! Don’t worry, the BOM wasn’t the only one who got it wrong, all the big players in the forecasting department were suggesting snow above 1000 to begin with, but the wamrer air from the north was drawn down taking the kick of what would have been a good north west dump for the mountain followed up be a ripper south easterly fall to cap it off.

What will the weather do next?

As for all those dedicated Tassie snow watchers? Its only just beginning! Tasmania’s weather systems are less than perfect when it comes to consistency, but past seasons have shown that it can all be won and lost with a warm rain event and a deep low just in the right spot! Don’t get too disheartened Tassie, its guaranteed that until the weekend just gone, without the expensive snowmaking equipment used across the ditch on the mainland resorts they wouldn’t have been running either. The next system worth watching is on the long range horizon for Wednesday week, 23 July. if it strengthens, it could again be a great North Westerly dump in time for the annual Rovers, Ben Lomond Bender! But a lot could change between now and then so keep an eye on our page for the latest updates.

Being Prepared

Alpine Enterprises, the Mountain’s Lift company have put a lot of pre-season work in and their tows are ready to operate on the first suitable snow-fall. So be assured that when the weather allows skiers and snowboarders will be very pleased to know that it will be all systems go on the hill.

Beating the weather with snow making

With two snowguns running as I type this story, there is no doubt that there is still plenty of fun to be had on the mountain within the man made areas for those who would like to see snow for the first time, come up for a toboggan, have a lesson on ski’s or snowboard or just make a snowman. Temperatures throughout the week are expected to remain cold with frosts each morning from Wednesday through to Saturday so its the perfect time to make it! There is a dedicated team on the mountain that watch the temperature, wind and humidity to turn on the two snow wizzards to produce some serious quantities of snow!

Why come anyway

Don’t fear, Ben Lomond still has plenty to offer without the solid water that snow fans search for in the winter months. Its landscape is unique and proximity to the summit of Tasmania’s second highest peak provide on a clear day views to Flinders Island, the East Coast and as far south as Mount Wellington! Its flora and fauna is easily accessible with a range of alpine species at your doorstep. Staying in the village couldn’t be more easy year round with the Alpine Hotel providing accommodation and meals round the clock. So if your looking for a unique, remotely located retreat only 1 hour from the Launceston Airport then Ben Lomond is in essence, perfect for what you are looking for.

Looking longer term with the weather

Longer term the next few years could be just what you were wanting to hear. Despite all that humanity is throwing into the atmosphere, the Sun could indeed drop temperatures globally in the coming decades and a new mini iceage could result from the temperature drops. Click here to find out more! In the shorter term, see the weather page on our site for more info.

Who is the Ben Lomond Committee you ask?

The Ben Lomond Committee is the representative body powered by a volunteer group of dedicated lodge and business members who help keep its members and the public informed about whats happening on the mountain. Their tireless time drives community events, builds and maintains this website, works towards village and general mountain development through lobbying local, state and federal government and ensures the closest single voice on Ben Lomond as a destination.

The Winter Months

Our main purpose is to prepare for and execute a well run winter program. Throughout the winter the committee aims to provide snow followers with a daily weather and conditions update. You will notice that at all times we will try and tell you how it is when it comes to the weather. We won’t always get it right, but we will aim to be honest and upfront wherever possible.

Whilst Ben Lomond is still a player in the snow industry, a couple of light seasons are part of the furniture these days and those dedicated to the mountain, its people, culture and place in Tassie’s Tourism industry are making it work in which ever way they know how. So just like every other alpine area in Australia we are diversifying who we are and what we do to remain relevant in a changing world.

How to become a part of the furniture – Join a Lodge Today!

Are you involved in a lodge on the mountain? If not, perhaps its time to check out some of the memberships that are available. Don’t assume that lodges are too costly to join, some memberships are as little as the cost of a night’s accommodation in a hotel and give you year round access to facilities far better and bigger than a fancy hotel suite. Find out more about the lodges within the village by checking out their pages located on the About section of the committee’s website.

Don’t forget to like us, the committee and the other businesses on Facebook to stay updated on whats on offer on the mountain:





Categories: BLCsnowWinter