Hi there followers, You will all be pleased to know that this is the beginning of a new era for Ben Lomond. Online and active, the Ben Lomond committee is forging ahead to give mountain users more information, with greater clarity in real time.

There is no doubt that this change will ensure that users of Ben Lomond will keep up to date with Parks and Wildlife updates, updates from businesses and also promotions from member lodges on the mountain who are on the look out to attract new members (I know they all are).

The Committee looks forward to providing greater transparency about what is happening on mountain, whether it be snow falling, the pub calling or the lifts turning, you will hear about it here!

You think that it might only be a winter thing? Think again, Ben Lomond is an all year around resort and we will keep you updated year round. You’re a Bushwalker? Hippy Sticker? Downhill skier? or even Family Fun Maker? We will have the answers for you.

The BLC looks forward to more actively serving the community through benlomond.org.au

See you all soon.