Across the past 3 days the forecast for Saturday has deteriorated from 30kmph (15 knots) by late morning to 60kmph (30 knots) through into the late afternoon. The Forecast Gale Force winds up to 60kmph are above what would be reasonable winds to successfully and safely run the races in for the broad age race the event caters for noting the exposed nature of the mountain. In addition the forecast 3-6 mm precipitation through the day will further worsen strong winds into likely blizzard conditions in exposed windy areas of the snowfield. Conditions are forecast to change markedly on Sunday with winds dropping to 20-30kmph (10-15 knots).
Noting the forecast for both days and increased certainty 48 hours out from the scheduled start time, Myself and Acting Race Coordinator Gavin Stebbings have determined that delaying the races to Sunday 25 August 2019 is the best and most appropriate choice. As such, please share that the races will be run on Sunday 25 August 2019 with the same schedule as advertised. This decision has been made accordance with the bad weather clause noted on the posters.