Preparing for winter – its time to get snow ready
So, its June, your waiting for that long awaited dump of snow to kick off your mountain escape for 2017. You want to be ready to make the most of it? Here are a few tips to get you started:
So, its June, your waiting for that long awaited dump of snow to kick off your mountain escape for 2017. You want to be ready to make the most of it? Here are a few tips to get you started:
Good morning snowgoers! Things are starting to freeze over on Ben Lomond with a small but significant fall of snow and a very solid freeze over last night. Cold temperatures are expected to continue through the week with possible follow up snow forecast Monday and Tuesday next week. (more…)
With Winter just around the corner and the nights cooling off, there is no doubt that winter and the most glorious part about it (Snow) is just about to start falling. (more…)
This morning mountain residents have woken to a dusting of snow to cool things off for the onset of the 2017 snow season. Keep an eye on developments as the snow falls and operators gear up for 2017. #benlomond #BLC #snow2017 #areyouready #winteriscoming
Exciting times for Ben Lomond Snow Resort, Tasmania! A new beginning proposal and unique opportunity exists to be part of something big for Ben Lomond! More Snow Making, More Grooming, More Tobogganing and More Family Fun!! To register your interest please click here: Join the Facebook page to also keep up to Read more…
Snow cover remains the same as yesterday. Good cover remains on the upper areas with rocky and patchy areas lower down The snow currently is firmer due to overnight low temperatures but this may soften as the day warms up Little or no wind currently with blue sky’s all over Read more…
Good morning, Snow cover remains the same as yesterday. Good cover remains on the upper areas with rocky and patchy areas lower down The snow currently is firmer due to overnight low temperatures but this may soften as the day warms up Little or no wind currently with blue sky’s all Read more…
Slightly overcast on Ben Lomond today with a light wind blowing currently, however blue sky’s are coming through. The snow remains very patchy on the lower areas but good on the back slopes and upper areas on the front ski field. The snow is still a little heavy and sticky due Read more…
Good morning, Just one picture this morning due to the weather. As you can see thick fog up here currently but little or no wind. The snow cover has been affected overnight due to warm weather and some rainfall. The lower areas around the lifts on the front slopes are now very Read more…
Good morning, it’s another blue sky morning and good conditions up on Ben Lomond today
Snow cover remains very good on the upper areas of the front and rear slopes but patchy on the lower areas. Snow condition remains soft from yesterday’s warm weather with little or no icy patches and only some wind scared patches on the rear ski slopes. #benlomond#winter #snow #itsstillhere #comeupforsomefun (more…)